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C++ program to swap two variable using template function

C++ program to swap two variable using template function

Today i am going to swap to variable's contents using template function. The below is the C++ program that swap two variable's contents.

// C++ program to swap two variable contants 
// Using template function 

using namespace std;

template <typename t>  // defining template function 
void swap(t *var,t *var1){
t var2;
var2=*var; //swaping the contents

int main(){
// displaying the menu to the user
cout<<"1. Swap two integer numbers:";
cout<<"\n2. Swap two float numbers:";
cout<<"\n3. Swap two characters:";
cout<<"\n Enter your choice:";
short i;
cin>>i; // storing the choice of the  user
case 1:
int a,b;
cout<<"\n Enter 1st numbers:";
cout<<"\n Enter 2nd number:";
cout<<"Before swap:\n a="<<a<<" b="<<b;
swap(&a,&b); // calling template function
cout<<"\nAfter swap:\n a="<<a<<" b="<<b;
case 2:
float a,b;
cout<<"\n Enter 1st float number:";
cout<<"\n Enter 2st float number:";
cout<<"Before swap:\n a="<<a<<" b="<<b;
swap(&a,&b); // calling template function
cout<<"\nAfter swap:\n a="<<a<<" b="<<b;

case 3:
char a,b;
cout<<"\n Enter 1st character:";
cout<<"\n Enter 2st character:";
cout<<"Before swap:\n a="<<a<<" b="<<b;
swap(&a,&b); // calling template function
cout<<"\nAfter swap:\n a="<<a<<" b="<<b;
cout<<"\n Invalid choice!!! Try again:";
main(); // asking to the user to re-enter his/her choice

Output :-

The output of the above program is:

When user enter his or her choice 1, then the out put will be:

C++ program to swap to variable's contents

When user enter his or her choice 2, then the output will be :

C++ program to swap to variable's contents

When user enter his or her choice 3, then the out put will be:

C++ program to swap to variable's contents

Dear visitors, drop your questions (if any) on the comment section, i will answer your questions. If you have any doubts please comment me, i will try to solve your doubts. Thanks for visiting. 


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