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Advantage and disadvantages of Structure and object oriented programming

In my last post, i discussed about structured oriented programming, object oriented programming and language processors. Today i am going to discuss about :-

1. Advantages and Disadvantages of structured oriented programming.
2. Advantages and Disadvantages of object oriented programming.
3.Difference between them.

And in the next post i will discuss about:-

1. 1st C++ program and explanation.
2. Structure of a C++ program.
3. Data types, Identifiers, Variable and Keywords.

Let's start:

Advantages of Structure oriented programming:-
1. It is easy to understand.
2. It is to test a program that is divided into modules(sub-problem) and sub-module(sub-sub-problem).
3. Modification is easier.
4. It results in speedy execution of the program.
5. Development of modules is easier.

Disadvantages of Structured oriented programming:-

1. Modules occupy more space in the memory.
2.  Testing of every module is time consuming process.
3. Combination of modules becomes difficult for different design of modules.

Advantages of object oriented programming(OOP):-

1. Easy to understand.
2.The principle of data hiding helps the programmer to build secure program.
3.Through the use of inheritance(C++ feature) we don't have to write a code again and again that perform a specific task, And in this way we can use a code again when needed.  .
4.It provides a special feature in which we can use a module name  to different different purposes.

Disadvantages of object oriented programming(OOP):-
1. The main disadvantage of OOP is that it is slower than a structure oriented programming.
2. Designing a program in OOP concept is little bit tricky.
3. The size of a OOP programming is larger than a structured oriented programming.

Structure oriented programming

Object oriented programming
Structure Programming is 

designed which focuses on 

process/logical structure and 

then data required for the 


Object oriented programming 

is designed which focuses on 


Structure programming follows 

top-down approach.

Object oriented programming 

follows bottom-up approach.

It is also known as Modular 


It supports inheritance,

encapsulation, abstraction, 

polymorphism etc.

In it a program is divided into 

small self contained functions.

In it a program is divided into 

small entities called object.

It can solve moderately 

complex programs.

It can solve any complex 


It provides less re-usability, 

more function dependent.

It provides more re-usability , 

less function dependent.

Less abstraction and less 


 More abstraction and more 



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